Write, they say…

Poem under the cut…

Photo by Jessica Lewis on Pexels.com

Write to find yourself, and to get lost.
Write to find your voice, while searching for words.
If you don’t know who you are, the voice you find never feels like your own.

Write to say the things that you can’t tell anyone.
Write them where they will never be found.
Write in your head the words you cannot pen.

Write not for recognition.
Write not to be known as “a writer”.
Write to survive; to get the overwhelm out.

With equal parts fear that the words will be seen and fear that you are as invisible as you feel.
Knowing that isolation and grief are all that you know now,
And that you are not alone in knowing only these states.

original work – Kennedy 2023

The AI synopsis below is included because I found it interesting. I think it got the meaning of the words correct, but it did not interpret authorial intent correctly. Whether this is because the author’s intent does not come through in the work is for other’s to judge.

AI Summary of the poem:

The content delimits the importance of writing as a means of self-discovery and expressing emotions. It emphasizes the therapeutic aspect of writing as a way to cope with loneliness and grief. The use of repetition and contrasting statements adds depth to the message.

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